
Request for Informations

Ref.: LAVR_023 - Arseniosiderite and scorodite - Kamariza Mines

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Arseniosiderite and scorodite - Kamariza Mines

15,25 €


(All prices include VAT at the current legal rate)


Locality: Kamariza Mines
Size: 1,9 x 3,0 x 2,8 cm
Description:  Interesting sample! Arseniosiderite pseudomorphose after scorodite crystals. From the Hilarion mine, Kamariza.


Kamariza Mines, Agios Konstantinos, Lavrion, Lavreotiki, East Attica, Attica, Greece

This is a list of the species found in the ancient mines in or around the village of Agios Konstantinos (formerly known as Kamareza, Camariza, and other similar names), 5 km west of the town of Lavrion, Attiki, Greece.

These mines are the Clemence mine, Isabelle mine, Serpieri mine, Hilarion mine, and Jean-Baptiste mine.

They are situated very close to each other, with similar geology and mineral associations, and are connected with each other via underground tunnels.

While one could look at them all as being a single "Kamariza mine" (since they are interconnected), the convention here is to look at them as being separate, but interconnected, mines.

Therefore, specimens labelled as being from the nominal "Kamariza mine" are actually from one of the named mines in the complex.

Where the actual mine name is lacking for a specimen, it is appropriate to label it as coming from the "Kamariza Mines" (plural).

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